葛笑,河北工业大学讲师,硕士生导师,桥梁抗震与减震控制研究团队成员。2020年于英国布里斯托大学(University of Bristol)获得土木工程博士学位,师从Nicholas A. Alexander教授和Mohammad Mehdi Kashani教授;2015年于北京科技大学获得土木工程工学学士学位。主要研究方向包括:氯离子侵蚀下钢筋混凝土桥墩抗震性能、桥墩震后损伤快速评估、不锈钢筋混凝土构件抗震性能、钢筋混凝土桥墩数值模拟技术等。在《Engineering Structures》和《Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering》等行业权威期刊发表论文十余篇。担任天**学会基础设施抗震与减隔震专委会委员及《Engineering Structures》、《Structures》、《International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics》等期刊审稿人。主持省部级项目2项。(学术主页:Google Scholar,ResearchGate)。
Ge X*, Liu T, Liu Y, Sun Z, Yang Y, Wang D. Bond-slip behaviour of 1.4362 duplex stainless steel bar embedded in concrete. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering. Under review.
Ge X*, Liu YH, Yang YQ, Alexander N, Kashani M. Extended Bouc-Wen model identification using shaking table test data of ageing bridge piers. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2024. (Accepted)
Ge X*, Kashani M, Sun ZG, Yang YQ, Alexander N. Exploring the performance of experimentally benchmarked RC bridge pier models when subjected to sequential seismic shocks. Structures, 2022, 45, 1530-1543.
Ge X, Alexander N, Kashani M*. Rapid post-earthquake damage assessment of ageing reinforced concrete bridge piers using time-frequency analysis. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2021, 17(3), 1228-1244.
Ge X, Dietz M, Alexander N, Kashani M*. Nonlinear dynamic behaviour of severely corroded reinforced concrete columns: shaking table study. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2020, 18(5), 1417-1443.
Kashani M*, Ge X, Dietz M, Crewe A, Alexander N. Significance of non-stationary characteristics of ground-motion on structural damage: shaking table study. Bulletin of Earthquake Engineering, 2019, 17(4), 4885-4907.
Chen L, Ge X*, Liu Y, Wang D. A new passive control device for seismic protection of bridges: the lock-up buckling-restrained brace (LUBRB). Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration. Under review.
Fu JY, Ge X*, Chen L, Hui YX, Qian H, Liu YH, Wang DS. Low-cycle fatigue behaviour of ribbed 1.4362 duplex stainless steel reinforcement. Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2024, 5, 1-15.
Jiang L, Ge CY, Zhou PC, Sun ZG, Liu JJ, Liu YH, Wang DS, Ge X*. Numerical study on seismic performance of Rocking Self-Centring (RSC) bridge piers under bidirectional excitation. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2024, 1-15.
Yang YQ, Mu ZG*, Ge X. Machine Learning-Based prediction of elastic buckling coefficients on diagonally stiffened plate subjected to shear, bending, and compression. Sustainability, 2023, 15(10), 7815.
Fu JY, Ge X*, Li JT, Sun ZG, Qian H, Wang DS. Experimental investigation of the seismic performance of precast post-tensioned segmental bridge piers with stainless energy-dissipating bars. Engineering Structures, 2023, 283, 115889.
Fu JY, Ge X*, Li JT, Sun ZG, Wang DS. Seismic performance of concrete bridge piers reinforced by stainless steel bars: A quasi-static experimental study. Engineering Structures, 2022, 266(4), 114507.
王东升*,陈贺,李俭涛,付建宇,葛笑. 基于DIC的预应力节段拼装桥墩变形成分分析. 沈阳建筑大学学报(自然科学版), 2023, 38(5), 821-829.
付建宇,王东升*,张蒙,张鹏颺,葛笑,孙治国. 配置不锈钢钢筋混凝土桥墩抗震性能试验研究. 应用基础与工程科学学报, 2023, 31(1), 170-184.
Ge X, Kashani M, Alexander N. Experimental investigation of seismic behaviour of corroded RC bridge piers. 6th International Symposium on Life-Cycle Civil Engineering, 2018.
Ge X, Kashani M, Alexander N. Experimental evaluation of structural model and ground motion characteristics effects on RC bridge piers. European Conference on Earthquake Engineering, 2018.
布里斯托大学 工程学院 土木工程-博士 2015年9月-2020年5月
北京科技大学 土木与资源工程学院 土木工程-学士 2011年9月-2015年9月
河北工业大学 土木与交通学院 讲师 2020年10月至今
- Fu JY, Ge X*, Chen L, Hui YX, Qian H, Liu YH, Wang DS. Low-cycle fatigue behaviour of ribbed 1.4362 duplex stainless steel reinforcement. Case Studies in Construction Materials, 2024, 5, 1-15.
- Jiang L, Ge CY, Zhou PC, Sun ZG, Liu JJ, Liu YH, Wang DS, Ge X*. Numerical study on seismic performance of Rocking Self-Centering (RSC) bridge piers under bidirectional excitation. International Journal of Structural Stability and Dynamics, 2024, 2024, 1-15.
- Yang YQ*, Mu ZG, Ge X. Machine Learning-Based prediction of elastic buckling coefficients on diagonally stiffened plate subjected to shear, bending, and compression. Sustainability, 2023, 15(10), 7815.
- Fu JY, Ge X*, Li JT, Sun ZG, Qian H, Wang DS. Experimental investigation of the seismic performance of precast post-tensioned segmental bridge piers with stainless energy-dissipating bars. Engineering Structures, 2023, 283, 115889.
- Ge X*, Kashani M, Sun ZG, Yang YQ, Alexander N. Exploring the performance of experimentally benchmarked RC bridge pier models when subjected to sequential seismic shocks. Structures, 2022, 45, 1530-1543.